While fewer than 10 incidents have been reported thus far, the event sheds light on security awareness in the healthcare industry. The American Dental Association unwittingly sent malware-infected USB thumb drives to dental offices nationwide, the ADA confirmed today in a statement. In a statement supplied to Healthcare IT News, the ADA, which...
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For the last 20 years, the only quick way to make your computer faster has been a ‘RAM’ upgrade. The computers ‘ram’, or short term memory’ speeds up computers because it is the component that stores everything the user is doing at any given moment. Browsing the web? It’s in the RAM. Writing an...
Protect Your Business From IT Downtime Weather the storm! For the next 48 hours, the entire Mid-Atlantic will be hunkered down to endure “Jonas,” a blizzard that is at once unexpected yet statistically inevitable as time passes. Jonas threatens to pile as much as two feet of snow on our homes and businesses, with...