Protect Your Business From IT Downtime
Weather the storm!
For the next 48 hours, the entire Mid-Atlantic will be hunkered down to endure “Jonas,” a blizzard that is at once unexpected yet statistically inevitable as time passes. Jonas threatens to pile as much as two feet of snow on our homes and businesses, with power outages likely as well. As long as we have our technology (Netflix, electricity, heat, etc.), many will relish this opportunity to get snowed in at home. However, if the power goes out, how much can we still get accomplished or enjoy while stuck at home?
A similar predicament faces business owners across America each and every day — not just in the depths of winter. However unexpected, technology downtime is statistically inevitable without proper preparation. Just think for a moment: What percentage of work could you get done in the office if computers, internet, and your servers took a snow day? For most, the answer is well below 50%. Furthermore, business owners still pay their employees for this time, which is a burden both to your top and bottom lines. Businesses that are serious about strategy and profitability must be serious about preparing for these tech outages.
If you are into numbers, here is a simple way to quantify the hourly damage done to your business with each passing hour of a tech failure:
As you can see, some of the worst storm damage comes not from the wages paid to employees who are working unproductively through a tech failure (which for most small businesses range from $150 to $400 an hour), but through lost opportunities and service in your client-facing responsibilities (where the costs are incalculable and undoubtedly higher).
So how then does a business mitigate this risk? The answer: preparation and maintenance. That technology you rely on for your livelihood — computers, routers, hard drives, and servers — must be monitored and tuned regularly. Neglecting this responsibility is like buying a brand new car and never replacing its tires or changing its oil until its untimely and preventable demise on the shoulder of the turnpike. For many businesses, maintaining an optimum and risk-free IT environment is complicated for “non-techie” professionals. Thats where Mercer County Computer Service comes in. Our expert technicians keep your IT running and allow you to focus on your core competencies: serving your clients and customers. In fact, Mercer County Computer Service can achieve even what the most seasoned meteorologists can’t — blowing the blizzard out to sea before it has a chance to strike.
Whether Jonas has you hoping the power stays on while stuck at home, or you are thinking about how well your business is prepared for an adverse technological failure, know that Mercer County Computer Service is here to help with server maintenance, data security, file storage solutions, and local in-person support. We can help you mitigate downtime risk, increase productivity, and reduce costs in your business.
For more information on how Mercer County Computer Service can prepare your business for upcoming storms, contact Edward Urwin, Sales Representative, at 609-475-2856 Ext. 3, or at [email protected].